A while ago, I was very intriuged by this pic I saw on The Shackler’s twitter feed:

He generally always has some great and often unique bondage work, but I really liked the simplicity of this idea. I don’t know if those restraints are actually bolted to the chair, but it’s a great idea.
We do own a similar chair (minus the restaints) that we keep in the garage and bring out for scenes when we want. Recently we did, and because it’s a metal chair, it was freezing cold. I thought there had to be something better.
Also, while I do love a good arms down by the sides of the chair, or tied behind the back of the chair, I do find the option of tied to the arms of the chair interesting. Kinda really gives that “kidnapped” feel.

After a bit of searching, I found this chair (called the YPPERLIG) from Ikea. I like it’s simplicity, sparseness, and options. It’s also make from plastic, so cold shouldn’t as much of an issue.

We happen to have an extra set of bondage restraints that we’ll be experimenting with, and we think we can find a way to attach them. Worst comes to worse, we’ll zip tie them on.