Even if you’ve never heard of this French film, you’ve likely seen a few of the screen caps. In short, a cute guy gets abducted and repeatedly tied up by an bizarre older man (whose wife is a mannequin…. he is not all there, mentally) looking for the son he never had. For much of it, the abducted guy is barefoot and in bondage, and a few pretty decent pics of his soles are shown.

The movie is incredibly hard to find in the USA, as no DVD version (playable in the USA, anyway) is available. At the time of this writing, I did find what is likely a bootleg version on YouTube, which I’m linking to, but don’t be surprised if the link disappears one day. If it is working, there is a subtitle option. (Although since the film is relatively old, you may be able to find it with a google search–and while some of them may be higher quality film, not all have English subtitles.)

It’s an odd, creepy, and strange film, but it should be noted that I actually tend to enjoy odd, creepy, and strange films. It’s not overtly sexual or gory aside from a single brief moment where he gets stabbed in the leg with a fork (seen more in the distance over jeans) and knocked out with a fire extinguisher. But this is nothing like Hostel or Salo: 120 Days of Sodom in terms of gore. It’s really nearly all psychological and emotional weirdness.

In case the vid is down, below are a few pics to give you an idea. They’re presented in order. While the bondage is pretty good, the bathroom and bed scene especially aren’t all that long. He essentially spends the second half of the movie chained barefoot by one ankle in the “red room” you see in the last pic–although a few of the escape attempts do involve focus on his feet (mostly at 42:00 min in and 50:44).

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