So I know I’m very late to the party, but after the demise of kinky tumblr, it seems that most foot action has moved to Instagram (finally started my own IG account which is mostly my feet as well as the feet of subs and cyber slaves I’ve worked with). Seems fairly fitting as, at least on the surface, it can (mostly) bypass the strict content rules IG poses.

While there’s certainly a lot of hot material out there, I do have a few issues.
One is that while posting feet does mostly fit IG’s rules, since a lot of it is fairly clearly implied to be of a sexual nature, accounts get taken down frequently–even if marked private. So the user will need to create a new account that now needs to be followed. This happens with some regularity, and it does get tiresome to keep up with.
Second, the users I’m interested in primarily post their own feet. Yes, there are lots of accounts that post “best of pics”, but I can still find quite a bit of that on twitter and even tumblr in it’s current state. My main complaint is that after a while, all the feet start to look alike, especially if there’s a lot of feet pics from the same person. On a twitter timeline, I’ll run through a variety of feet pic. Even if the feet are sexy, after seeing 100+ pics of the same feet, it starts to feel a bit redundant (and that’s saying a lot for a guy who enjoys feet as much as I do).
Another problem I have is there’s very little context. On a blog, tumblr, or twitter, some commentary can be provided, and it’s in plain view. I know it exists on IG, but you have to make an extra effort to scroll through it all. And frankly, IG was designed for you to focus on the pics themselves. I guess I like to learn a little bit more about the person posting in a more organic way, and IG doesn’t really allow for that.
Lastly, the stories can get a little out of hand. For those of you not on IG, what you see posted is only half the content for many. Users frequently post stories, which are mini-posts that last only 24 hours and are only seen if you follow that user. And some profiles post a lot of stories. It can be useful… they post about friends who had to create a new account (as mentioned above), or other accounts they like, so it can be a good way to find other people. At the same time, a few use it maybe a little too much, and compounded with the other users doing the same thing, it can be overwhelming and repetitive at times. It also feels a little self-serving. And the cross promotion (where one account will shout out another), while well meaning, can be a bit much at times. There is a way to mute them, and I have done that for a few accounts, but it still gets a bit irritating that it should come to that at all. That said, I have an entire website to express myself, and for many, this is their only personal outlet. So I can understand it.
On a side note, I’ve discovered a lot of these guys are new to me and surprisingly in my area, but when I’ve reached out to them, it’s been a very tepid response as a whole, which is pretty off putting. It’s a bit discouraging to hear a guy post about how badly he wants a guy at his feet, or to lick some feet, only to have me message about that possibility and get no response, or a “Gee, I don’t know…”. I do realize I may be out of their age range or not their type, but it’s still a bit disappointing all the same. So with a few exceptions, it hasn’t been all that great as a social network.
I’ll still be visiting it and posting on it, but I have tempered expectations. It’s not a priority for me, and I’m not looking to have a ton of followers… I barely have over 300 followers, and that’s fine with me. (Note I do not accept faceless/blank profiles.) I’ll put greater importance to my blog (where I have a lot more freedom). To me, my IG is more of a “best of the blog original content”. And if I ever get deleted there, I’m not sure I’d really bother doing another profile with content.