I’ve been on a bit of a DIY kick, and came up with this Piss Box. I took a plastic box I already had on hand. Its particular dimensions were (in inches): 15 length, 10.5 width, 5.5 depth–but you can vary that… 15 inches long is way more than needed, although the rest of the dimensions seem to work out well.
Then I put a plate up to the shorter side (about 8 1/4 in wide, but it could’ve been smaller–again, I just used what I had) to make a semi-circle. Then I used a cutting tool called snips (usually used for metal), and cut away. Despite the ridges at the lip (where you’d start and end the cut), it was fairly easy. It’s possible the plastic may crack, but some packing tape can fix that if needed.

Then I got the smallest foam pipe insulation I could (1/2 inch). It comes in 6 ft lengths, but it’s very light and cheap. I used an exacto knife to cut the foam insulation. I measured by using a cloth measuring tape, but you could also use string, or even just guess and adjust… you have 6 ft of foam insulation to play with. Then I just place it around the curve–voila, done!
With this, you could do a piss scene (which, with the piss remaining in the box, could easily be poured out and resued/saved) or head (or feet, if placed away from the foam opening) gunge scene.
What’s an even better surprise is I found it slides easily underneath my Fort Troff Rim Seat, so I could piss first, then get rimmed! In the pics below, the Rim Seat is set to it’s lowest setting, and the box still has plenty of clearance.
I’m not super into scat play, but if you are, there’s some obvious implications. If you wanted to test the waters on scat play, I had one idea I was going to use on a slave who was interested in scat, but didn’t want to ingest it, or actually have direct contact (though an option for that is below as well). I put it into the dark box below, so highlight the text to see if you’re curious. It does use the Rim Seat.
Try to find 2 gallon Ziploc baggies (may be easiest to find on Amazon, but some office supply stores may have them). Arrange the bag on the Rim Seat so that you can take the dump into the bag, so it’ll mostly sit below the rim seat, while your ass may have to sit on the edges/opening of the bag. Ideally, the slave’s head should be right underneath. That way, they’ll still get a sense of being dumped on, along with the stench, but not have any actual physical contact. If you feel more evil, make sure some of the bag goes into their mouth. And lastly, if they do decide they’re more comfortable with it, shove their head into the bag afterwards and much it all over (which will have plenty of space in the 2 gallon bag).
Because I didn’t come up with this until after the quarantine, I haven’t had a chance to use it. But if any of you do, let me know how it goes!
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