It’s been a very long time, but I still often think of SBS_justin. He was one of my first cyber slaves. I even got to actually meet him once for a two day scene, and it was a lot of fun. I’ve learned more about Doming since then (and gotten a lot more gear), and would love to do another scene with him one day.

He has gone through a lot of emotional struggle, and he craves more real life experience than cyber, so his experience with me is fleeting and off and on at the moment. But I did have a good time recently, and since I also know he’s into blackmail, I thought it could be good to expose him a bit with a conversation I had with him on twitter this past summer, when I was on a road trip with my husband. He’s the light gray text that begins the message.

Side note: he has since “come out” as a slave to his own family, and in that process, he allowed me access to speak to his sister, so she could better understand his mindset.

Sadly, I think he did cum, because his replies stopped there. I still miss him, and I do understand his struggles. Here’s hoping he returns one day.

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