To be honest, I’m not really into cash masters and their overuse of the middle finger… but I can’t lie that some of them are hot and have hot feet.

One or two non-cash masters may have snuck in the mix. 🙂

3 Replies to “Cash Masters”

  1. Hello! The second picture here is of a guy I used to collect pictures of and correspond with (he sold me two very hot custom foot vids!), but then I lost them all in a drive crash and he had left Twitter by then, after deleting all his content. He was @thedomjack. I don’t suppose you have any more of his pictures or videos? I’d love to see them again! Thanks in anticipation xx

    1. Sadly, I don’t think I do. If I do, it’s just scattered individual pictures in my collection. While hot, he didn’t look super familiar to me, so I suspect this pic is more of a one off in my personal collection. Wish I could help you more!

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