So I’ve never been a gym/workout sort of guy. I was fortunate enough for long time to have a job that involved quite a bit of physical activity, so I never really bothered doing regular, traditional workouts. The job was enough.
I’ve since changed jobs to something that is much more sedate, physically speaking, and I’m realizing that I need to begin doing some sort of workout on my own. What’s a guy in his early 50’s who’s never gone to a gym before to do?
Well, one easy answer was that some of my colleagues go to a Zumba class, and I’ve joined them once a week. I’m actually enjoying it!
But while I do enjoy cardio, I felt I should do a bit more with my upper body… an area I’ve never really worked out before. However, I didn’t feel like I’d really get a lot of use out of a traditional gym, not to mention the intimidation factor, monthly fees, and covid. So I did a lot of online searching and found quite a few workout videos on YouTube. After going through a few, I’ve settled on one that works for me: Body Project.
This is not a plug, I certainly don’t work for them. But I do find their workouts great for beginners, and all you need are some weights and a space to move. They base their workouts for people who haven’t worked out before, so the pacing was right for me. (If you are more experienced, I believe you’d likely find them too simple–but it’d be easy to adapt them for your own level with more reps or larger weights.) And as this is a gay kinky blog, I also have to say that the guy who leads the class is pretty damn sexy, and has an accent to boot, so that certainly helps me stay motivated.
I do these vids at least once a week. They only have about 10 videos online now, with a catalogue of 35 more if you pay a fee. (I’m seriously considering paying it!) Thought you’d enjoy seeing what I’ve been sweating to below. Hope you agree with me that he’s sexy. If anyone has pics of him barefoot, let me know. I have looked a bit, but to no avail so far.