Yes, I actually have begun my COVID vaccine process. I already got the first of two shots.

While I will be fully vaccinated in about 6 weeks (remember, you have to wait another two weeks after the final dose if you get the 2-dose version), I still won’t be playing with anyone for a while. I live with my husband, and he hasn’t yet been vaccinated. Even though I will be, it would be possible for me to be infected and pass the virus along to him. And with other, more transmittable variants going around, it’s unclear how much a vaccine will work against them. I still want to be careful.

It may be a small risk, but not one either one of us are willing to take. So out of an abundance of caution, I won’t be doing scenes or meets until my husband is also fully vaccinated.

I am playing around with the idea of bringing back my Recon profile (I’ve had it hidden for nearly a year), but even if I do, I’m unlikely to meet in the near future. Also, I’ve let my Premium membership there expire, so I’m back on the free version. I’ll probably stay with that for a while unless we are both vaccinated.

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