So after trying many other devices, I finally tried a Holy Trainer. And I can immediately see why it’s so popular. It’s only two pieces (as opposed to the 7 pieces of a CB-6000), so there’s much less opportunity of pinching or pubic hair pulling. The ball ring is also angled slightly back, so it can cup the balls more comfortably.

Literally the first time I put it on, it was immediately the most comfortable chastity device I’ve worn so far. And even though I have small, high and tight balls, which can very easily slip out of a CB-6000, have rarely slipped out of this (though it has happened just a few times). It seems secure, comfortable, and is relatively easy to wear under clothes. Even after just wearing it for a day or two, I felt I could likely even wear this overnight–it’s small and comfortable enough that I can close and even cross my legs without any issue. That said, I haven’t yet, as my nighttime underwear is very tight, and it was pushing a little too hard on it. But a looser pair of underwear would likely solve it.

I do feet some occasional mild burning around my balls, but it typically means I haven’t pulled them all the way through enough, and with some adjusting, it’s usually fine.

Obviously, everybody’s cock and comfort level will vary individually, so I can only speak for myself. I’d tried chastity years ago when the CB-6000 was the only real option available, and it had never really worked for me with my high and tight balls, so I had sort of given up on the idea of chastity. In the years since, so many more options have emerged, and I thought it’d give it another go. I’m honestly surprised the Holy Trainer worked as well as it did for me. (FYI, I am using the largest ball ring size so far.)

Holy Trainers can be expensive, but I’ve found a good generic options for a good price at Lock The Cock. I am not an affiliate of theirs, so I get no money if you purchase from their site, but I’ve had some great luck with them so far and have been very satisfied.

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