Taped and Tortured posted a series of great tweets explaining how he, and you, can build your own rack at home, with minimal cost and experience. With his permission, I’m posting them here.

In case anything happens to the tweets, here’s the main info posted in the tweets above:

And here’s a few pics of it in action. Thanks again to Taped and Tortured!

One Reply to “Taped and Tortured: DIY building a rack”

  1. Awesome rack device. The horizontal orientation is very interesting since it has the center support and the open space not like the traditional rack with the wide platform. This make access to the racked body easier and more things like the tape bondage option available. I also like the wider spread-eagle way it allows, more delicious tension rather than the more brutal straight in-line pull of torture racks. Plus the suspension orientation, which lets gravity assist the stretch. Well done and great instructions to duplicate. Lucky indeed are the bodies that get to experience your device and expertise in using it.

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