So I was looking more closely at the construction of the Holy Trainer… and I noticed on the cock cage part, in addition to the piss slit, there’s two additional holes on each side. While presumably meant for ventilation, I wondered if there could be anyway to exploit this for more devious purposes.

I’m pleased to say there is. I started with these thin wire keychain cables. If you’re lucky, you may find them in your local hardware store, but I wasn’t that lucky, I had to order them on Amazon.

They’re flexible, and have no sharp edged. One end screws into another, and so I was able to feed it through the two holes in the Holy Trainer, as so.

As you can see in the pic of my helpless victim above, it creates a loop where you can now lead around your sub literally by his cock, just by the Dom either hooking his finger into the ring, or attaching a leash to it. Could be a bit of a mind trip for the sub. Also, because the ring is so small and flexible, you can see that it still easily fits, even if the cage is pretty full. In fact, I was still able to lead the keyring through while my sub already had the cage on.

Additionally, it provides a unique tickling sensation right at the head of the cock. I’m not usually a tip guy, but even this got my attention. It doesn’t hurt (well, at least not for me or my subs… but obviously, things can vary from person to person), but it provided a unique sensation. Sort of a fake Prince Albert, in a way. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

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