Remember how tumblr banned all adult content? The reason they did it was a (perhaps overreaching) effort to curb child pornography.

If we’re not careful, twitter could go the same way. The OnlyFans scare should be an eye opener (although I do realize it was for different reasons). Apparently, there’s an alarming number of people who don’t care if a user on Twitter or Instagram is 15, 16, or 17 years old and is posting adult content. Perhaps in some places those ages may be legal, but the fact is in the vast majority, they’re not… and by knowingly viewing them, you could be complicit in child pornography.

While I do enjoy twinks, I do everything I can to make sure I haven’t posted anyone under the age of 18. I attempt to verify this by using pics of established adult entertainers, people I know directly, or know of that have an established reputation. If for any reason you find pics on this blog that contain images of people under the age of 18, let me know immediately and I will take it down.

If I were a teenager today, I could understand the temptation to upload content… let’s face it, behind closed doors, many of us were discovering our sexuality (and perhaps fetishes) at an early age. In a way, I’ve always known I’ve had a fascination with feet since I was quite young, maybe even around 10 years old. But because of the time I grew up in (pre-internet and cell phones), I had no way to learn about it or see it normalized.

Youth today do have that option, and kink is relatively normalized, especially if they’re curious and go searching for it. After all, one only has to be 13 to post on twitter. And if a 15 year old decides to post adult content of themselves, there’s sometimes no way of knowing their exact age unless they announce it on the profile, or you ask them and they reply honestly. I sometimes wonder if it’s making some of them jump in before they’re quite ready.

On one hand, I feel it’s good for teens to be able to explore their own sexuality and learn about what makes them tick in a safe and responsible manner. Through masterbation, self-exploration, and fantasy, one can discover a lot about what is pleasurable on your own and your own terms. But it has to be done safely, responsibly, legally, and cannot be posted about online until at least 18 (or whatever the legal age limit is in your local area).

I can understand that perhaps a 16 yo is confident in their sexuality, and that’s a positive thing. But it’s still technically child abuse/molestation for an adult to interact and engage with such profiles, which is a very serious crime. Please be aware of your actions and do not engage with underage profiles!

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