So after all this time, being as diligent as I possibly could be (fully vaccinated–with two boosters!, wearing masks constantly, rarely eating inside unless case counts were very low, not doing meets with outside people, etc.), I just got Covid. :/

Fortunately, I am completely asymptomatic. I feel totally fine. And if it weren’t for the fact that my work checks for Covid weekly, I probably wouldn’t have even known I had it. At the same time, I’m not totally surprised it happened… I have been watching case numbers rise at my work quite a bit in recent times (our work reports cases weekly), so I figured it was going to happen eventually.

I also credit my mask wearing and vaccination with feeling asymptomatic. I haven’t lost any sense of smell or taste, no fever, no fatigue, and no aches. I guess I do have a slightly increased cough, but I’ve had a cough for many years prior to Covid due to asthma.

The trickiest part is that I do live with my husband… so we’ve temporarily had to sort of split our house into zones where he mostly stays, and where I mostly stay, keeping doors closed and using masks in our own house when going between spaces. So far, he is still negative, but we aren’t going to be surprised if he does get it… but if so, we want it to be as mild a case as possible, so minimizing exposure as much as possible still seems sensible.

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