So it’s now been a few weeks since I tested positive. Some updates about how that went… I was asymptomatic for about 3 days. After that, I did get a mild fever, fatigue, and sinuses (though generally not at the same time). That lasted about 3-4 days. While the sinuses and a bit of an increased cough lingered for a few more days, I basically felt fine. But it did take a total of 9 days before I finally tested negative with a rapid test, so I had isolated that entire time, as I didn’t want to infect others.

The trickiest part is that I had to isolate from my own husband at home, where we live together (he has still never gotten it). So we sort of had to split our house in two, keep doors closed, and I wore a mask when going through other areas of the house. To be honest, I figured he would likely still get it from me at some point, but I also figured I would at least try to minimize exposure as much as possible.

It may have actually worked… two weeks later, he took a PCR test (as well as many rapid tests) and is still negative!

I do figure I got this from work. And despite wearing a mask constantly at work, it was known that at least 4 people I worked with directly came down with Covid (and most of them didn’t wear masks). But I do still credit my own mask wearing and vaccines/boosters for overall having a relatively mild experience. And I never lost my sense of smell or taste, which is a big relief.

In a way, I suppose I would be more comfortable meeting people for scenes again, as I’m pretty immune for at least a few months. But not only am I not quite in the headspace yet, but my schedule hasn’t really allowed for it either. But we’ll see how it goes.

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