So now that I’ve had Covid, in a way, I should be more open to meets since I’m relatively immune for the near future. But I’m still not quite in the headspace to do so yet. There’s a few reasons for this.

One, I typically only meet with people when my husband is out of town. No, I’m not going behind his back. It’s really more that if he’s home, I’d rather prioritize my time with him. And in that light, all my husband’s travel plans have been canceled, so he’s not going to be leaving home anytime soon.

Secondly, my sex drive has kind of diminished a bit. Not really quite sure why, but things go in cycles. And maybe because I’ve barely had any meets at all for the last two years, I’m just kind of used to the headspace of not meeting other people.

Lastly, I’d like to focus on the sex life with my husband. We are still doing very well in our marriage, but our sex life has taken a bit of a downward turn, for many reasons: we are both insanely busy with work, we often have plans that get in the way, and partially reason #2 stated above, my drive has gone down a bit.

I did briefly consider asking him directly if he wouldn’t mind if I meet up with other people for scenes again, but it dawned on me: why should I be asking him to meet with others when I could be meeting with him? And yes, while an outside scene may help, at the moment, I think I want to keep the focus on us first, before I go out meeting others agin.

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