I’m so ashamed to be living in America right now. Both myself and my husband are reeling from the recent Roe vs. Wade decision. Yes, a draft was leaked, so we know it was likely coming, but there was a naïve hope that maybe a different outcome would emerge, because the possibility was so unprecedented and outrageous. Yet here we are.

Obviously, my heat goes out to all women, biological or transgender, who are deeply affected by this. As Rachel Madow put it (paraphrasing), “Half of America woke up this morning with one of their fundamental rights taken away.”

I was browsing twitter all day yesterday. I have two accounts… one kinky, and one personal. The personal one was just filled with reactions over the ruling, all incredibly upset. But I was a bit surprised to find my kinky account barely had any mentions of the ruling at all, which was discouraging to me. I suppose all the overseas I follow wouldn’t have much comment–it doesn’t really affect them–but I still follow a fair number of people in the States, and even they didn’t say much.

But it should concern us a great deal. Not only on behalf of women, but also because of it’s foreboding implications. It’s a ruling that controls bodies. And they do not want to stop with just abortion. Thomas wrote, “”In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.”

Breaking that down, Griswold protects the right to contraception. If overruled, it would allow states to ban access to all birth control. Even as a gay man, that should be a horrifying thought that a government would intrude on people’s sexual freedom in such a way.

The other two cases should be alarming to the gay community: If overruled, Lawrence could make all gay sex illegal. And Obergefell protects the right to gay marriage. I’ve been happily married for over 10 years. Yet I could see my own marriage dissolved against my will. It’s a terrifying thought.

Will that happen right away? Likely no. But it could be possible within the next five years, which is soon enough. It should be very, very frightening that a Supreme Court Judge would directly state that he has targets on all these rights, and that he wants to take them down. And because of all the conservative appointments Trump made, it’s not out of the question.

Many thought Roe vs. Wade was a set precedent for 50 years, but in an instant, it’s gone. It’s not out of the question gay rights and marriage are next. They are just beginning their attacks to unravel freedom.

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