I’ve only had two scenes (aside from my husband) even since Covid began in 2019. Before that, I was averaging a scene about every 2-3 months . Both scenes happened at a point where infections were at a low point.

I was nearly ready to start scenes again… while we’re not out of the woods yet (in my opinion), we’re at a point it’s much easier to manage. And having access to home testing brings peace of mind.

But just when I was maybe ready to begin having in person scenes again, two things happened: one is the obvious Monkeypox. I haven’t yet gotten the vaccine yet, because I feel it should go to those more in need right now. I do plan on getting it, hopefully once there’s greater access.

The second is more personal. I’m having a few of my own health issues. They are not Covid or Monkeypox related. Well, actually, when I had Covid a few months ago, I seem to now be experiencing a pretty constant post-Covid cough. That, combined with asthma, allergies, and digestion issues: I’m constantly sniffing, sneezing, and coughing–which doesn’t really make for a pleasant scene if the Dom just sounds sick during the entire session, even if it isn’t contagious.

On a side note, I also usually only do scenes while my husband is out of town. As I’ve stated many times, despite how it sounds, it’s not to go behind his back. I do tell him about my meets. It’s more a matter of priority: if he’s home, I’d rather be with him. And he used to travel about once a month. However, nearly all of his trips have been canceled, so that’s also limiting my availability.

So when will I start doing scenes again? Not sure, but the answer is probably more months than weeks. In the meantime, my Recon profile is still down. But, feeling optimistic it can happen again in the future, and I have a few people in mind already.

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