Recently, I went to visit an exhibit on Harry Houdini at the Muzeo museum, based in Anaheim, California (just a few blocks north of Disneyland). If you’re local to the area or visiting in the near future, it may be an interesting visit.

While the Muzeo is a small, local museum (the exhibit is just three large rooms), it’s well curated and filled with interesting information. Of interest to bondage/kinky people will be displays of some of his handcuffs. There was also a display of some body irons he wore like the pics below.

I did learn that many of his original artifacts were destroyed by a fire, so not many authentic artifacts exist. The famous Chinese Water Torture cell on display is a replica (although the milk tank is authentic… he actually owed a number of them).

The exhibit will be on display until January 22, 2023. If you get to the SoCal area, stop by. Only $10!

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