To me, this seems to be a controversial subject. Many people proport to hate them, yet simultaneously, their pics are constantly shared all over twitter–so clearly someone out there likes them.
I can see both sides of this. They do get tiresome, and it’s often the same pic over and over again. You can probably picture it already… an (often) twinky or college guy, likely shirtless, standing or sitting, with the camera angled low, so you have a good glance of them with their bare foot hovering right over it. It’s typically accompanied by any of the following, or combinations there of: tongue sticking out, baseball hat on (usually backwards), flexing one or both arms, pointing at their foot, a middle finger sticking up, the words “tribute”, “fagtax”, or “pay me”, and bad lighting/glare.

The constant middle finger is the one that seems to irk most, and I don’t disagree. It gets pretty tiring and after a while, unimaginative. It’s like they only do it because they see other guys doing it, and quickly becomes a parody of itself. I end up sort of just shrugging my shoulders and blocking it out.
And given the proliferation of these accounts (its seems like everybody has an Only Fans/Just For Fans), how much money can these guys actually be making? I generally find it pretty questionable to throw money at Findoms. It’s not necessarily wrong, and if brings you happiness and you can afford it, then by all means, go for it. However I can also imagine it may turn into an addiction not unlike gambling, just sending huge amounts of money for some attention from these guys–and if starts interfering with your standard of living, that can become a problem. Occasionally donating to a guy you find attractive is one thing, but there’s a fine line between that and being fully exploited by a Findom.
For the most part, I don’t follow these types on twitter, but I do still run into these profiles frequently from other accounts “liking” them or retweeting them. And I will admit, I do find many of these guys attractive (which I feel a bit guilty about). But would I be their cash slave? Not personally, and I can accept that balance. It’s a guilty pleasure I can take or leave.
As someone who is not personally into the Findom scene but who is quite fascinated by it, I did some research and it appears (at least to me) that there is a “right” way to do it and a “wrong” way to do it, and most of the examples you cited and frankly most of the so-called “cash masters” on the internet are doing it the “wrong way”. A lot of these guys just want to make a quick buck and think posting some pictures of their feet and their middle fingers is the way to do it. In other words, they are not really into this kink themselves and are purely in it for the money. A good Findom is into the kink himself (from being worshipped and treated as a superior) and has a relationship with his subs. They have “normal” conversations, know what is going on in each other’s lives, and can even develop emotional connections as friends. This is a different dynamic from the other type and I can understand the appeal. I had a straight male friend in high school who was handsome, smart, athletic, and popular, and I just wanted to follow him around and do stuff for him – I think this is an adult version of that.