I’ve been speaking with a number of people who have shown interest in my Bondage Board. At the time, I bought it from eXtreme Restraints, but I’ve since seen it in many locations, including Amazon and Etsy. Below are just some of the uses I’ve found for it. The straps are actually Bondage Belts from Mr. S, which coincidentally perfectly fit the rings, and makes for a surprisingly secure “mummification”. I should know, I’m the victim in the first pic!

The pics below are not mine, but are positions I think could be replicated using the bondage board. If I ever get a slave flexible enough to accomplish the last two positions, that’d be so hot!

All in all, I’ve found it a pretty good investment, especially as how I usually end up doing scenes at hotels, which don’t always have a lot of tie down points. It’s coming in way more handy than I expect it to, and it folds up and travels pretty easily (it does come with a carrying handle).

I’ve since been made aware of a full “Extreme Bondage Table” (I’ve seen it on both Amazon and Etsy), as seen below. It also looks pretty tempting, but the big strikes against it seem to be: it’s quite heavy; while it folds up, it doesn’t come with any sort of carrying case or handle; and the leather seems to be somewhat cheaply made, as indicated by a photo I found in a review. Still, to have something not only full length, but elevated and with appropriate holes (not to mention possibilities to bondage under the table) may have me overlooking those flaws and getting one anyway. But it’s a bit far off in the future for me–until then, I’ll keep using the board.

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