A local radio show called The Woody Show recently had a stunt where one guy used his feet to pick up pizza and feed it to another guy.
I actually listen to this show, so some context: the barefoot guy goes by the name Greg Gory, is openly gay, and is considered the hot guy on the show. He does not have a foot fetish himself, but does not mind feet.

The guy eating is called Menace, and he is known as a guy who just loves food and eats nearly anything.
The woman in the baseball cap (Ravey) is completely disgusted by feet. No one on the show has any sort of foot fetish, and generally find foot fetishism weird. So this was an exercise in grossness for them.
That said, there’s some pretty good views of Greg’s feet, which he doesn’t usually show all that often! Though not much of his soles.
The feet views start at 2:20, and there’s a part at 6:42 where he tries to have Menace lick his foot (unsuccessfully).
This same team has another DJ, Sebas, show off his foot to Ravey (the one with an aversion to feet). Lots of good views of soles here, which starts at 0:55.