Life has been pretty good, but kink-wise, it’s been an odd year. And I don’t often post much about my life, so I thought I’d make up for it here. Read as much or as little as you’d like.
Limiting Meets
First off, I have severely cut back on the number of meets I’ve been doing. Recall that I would only meet guys when my husband was out of town. This is not to go behind his back (I do tell him when I meet with people), but because when he’s in town, I’d rather spend my time with him. Well, since the pandemic, his travel schedule has changed from about 1-2 short trips a month to maybe a short trip every 2-3 months. So that has really cut back on opportunities to meet with people.
I have considered doing some meets while my husband was still in town, but this also made me realize that, for the most part, my desire to meet new people has gone down. While I do still find it fun, it also didn’t strike me as necessary. It’s fine if I get to meet with other guys, but it’s also fine if I don’t.
I’ll be elaborating about this more in a post next week, as there was a particularly bad episode recently.
Reconnecting with kinky friends
One some positive notes, some kinky friends have re-entered my life. A foot guy I had been chatting with for a long time who once lived in Chicago now lives near me! Although our schedules have not yet worked out, we did get to meet socially recently, and I hope to see him more both socially and solely.
And another guy I’ve had many scenes with (I’ll call him BT here) had faded from my life for a while, but has returned. And in an unusual twist, he is also now friends with my husband! Keep in mind, my husband does not generally meet with others, but when I did meet this kinky guy, I realize that he and my husband had a lot in common. I introduced them, and sure enough, they get along great! And it’s been turning out the three of us get along well. I’m not sure if there’s still a kinky future with BT and I… while I had incredible kinky chemistry with him, I was doing those scenes with him before he was friends with my husband. And while I had some of my most fantastic kink scenes with BT, I strangely feel I value his friendship with both myself and my husband more, and suspect it could be awkward to continue seeing him in a kink context (and my husband has no desire for a kinky relationship with BT). We’ll see how it goes. While I’d miss having kinky scenes with BT, I do equally value his friendship. So while it’d be disappointing, it wouldn’t be a total loss.
Also chatted a bit with a guy I tied up years ago, but is now an accomplished rigger I’ll call Dom E. We also have non-bondage stuff in common, and one day I am hoping to get tied up by him, as he is one of the few people I know well enough to trust to tie me up. Even my husband knows him, as he was attending some of Dom E’s online rope workshops. When my husband asked me to watch one, I was like, uh, I already know this guy. But my husband thought that was great, and if Dom E does tie me up, I’m hoping my husband can also be there to observe.
I’ve also had some reconnections with SBS_justin, a long time cyber slave of mine who lives across the country from me. We had a very intense cyber relationship for many, many years–much of which was posted on this very blog! But he has struggled with his own personal issues, and for most of the recent time has blocked me out of his life, as I remind him of a time of in his past which he’d like to move on from. To over simplify, he doesn’t find satisfaction from cyber play, and wants to move on to real life relationships. Which is totally understandable. Occasionally, he’ll talk to me, and we had a pretty long run of chatting just a few weeks ago, and he was sounding pretty great, but I brought up something from our past, thinking it would help him, but it instead overwhelmed him and he shut me out again. I still feel for him a great deal, and definitely wish him the best as he finds out what he wants in his life. I actually got to meet him once for an in-person scene when I had traveled to his area, and would love to again one day, but the future there is uncertain.
General Life
The rest of my life has actually been pretty good overall. Work is secure (minor stresses here and there, but what work doesn’t have that?), pay is good (getting a raise!), finances are good, home is good, family is good, husband is good. Our sex life had slowed down a bit, mainly for two reasons… we’re both older, and we’re both very busy. But we also celebrated 10 years of marriage on a short trip (and we were dating 7 years before we were married!), so something’s going right. We go to a lot of non-kinky events together, and have a great time.
Blog future, Celeb content update
Blog-wise, I’m a bit surprised things are going so strong! I thought I would be tired of this by now, but I am still enjoying it, even if I’m not having as many new scenes to post about. I did have a small drama regarding a possible copyright situation with a celebrity pic from 14 years ago (!), but that seems to be resolved now. Still, I have removed a lot of the celeb content of this blog as a precaution. Screencaps should still be okay, as well as social media celebs.
At this point, I guess I should at least try to last until 2025, and then I could say I’ve been blogging for 20 years! That’s pretty crazy. Thanks to all of you who visit.