While I love kinky, sexy pictures, one thing they cannot convey is what is playing in the background during a scene. I’ve discussed this before about songs my husband and I play during a scene, as well as sexy sounds, and sometimes just being in silence.

For a long time, I also used albums that used to be sold at Mr. S, by an artist called M. Arana with the titles @Play, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4. I don’t think they sell them anymore, but they can be found online. They’re heavy electronic beats, mostly instrumental, although there are some voice clips here and there. I like them a lot, but at the same time, I’ve also listened to them a lot. A change of pace is good once in a while.

UPDATE: I recently discovered this playlist below. While not mine, it has over 48 hours worth of music, and I’ve liked it very much! You can listen to it even if you don’t have a Spotify account, but just know it would have commercials every 30 min or so.

With my Spotify account, I decided to make a kinky playlist of my own, which is currently 5 1/2 hours long. The playlist is private, but I thought I’d share screen shots of the songs I’ve complied, in case you wanted to make your own similar playlist. Many of these songs are silly out of context, but there is a nice, smutty feel to many of them. It’s also amusing to see how many filthy songs are on Spotify. Enjoy, and comment below if you think there are other songs I should add to this list!

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