Posted about this some time ago, but thought an update would be welcome.
I don’t use hypno too often, but a few tracks I’ve enjoyed a great deal. The first are three audio files I can’t take any credit for–they were originally found on a tumblr post that is now long gone, but the files still survive. It offers two hypno tracks and a bonus track, all of which are 50+ minutes long, which you could easily leave on repeat play or make a playlist. I must say, hearing these on some headphones while tied up and edged or “forced” to suck cock would be quite the mind trip.

Fortunately, someone (not sure who, if anyone does, please let me know so I can give credit) has taken the time to upload these files. The first is the “kinder” one of the two, called “fagnosis“. The hypno part begins about 3 minutes in. A more intense, aggressive text is given with “fagwashing“. And if you find the text is not your thing, but you enjoyed the sexy background noise, that’s offered as a separate track as “fags“. I’ve played the latter a few times during a scene, and I find it slutty and sexy (and 50 minutes long, and quite easy to repeat if a scene goes longer). It’s basically the sounds of men moaning, being slapped, getting fucked, etc.
I don’t have a lot of hypno experience, but there are a few hypno videos used to come from a PornHub channel called hypnoticbatefuel. Sadly, the channel has been deleted. However, a fair number of his vids seem to live on, probably because of other people who have saved and reuploaded them. While I saved a number for myself, I don’t feel it’s my place to share them, but I have seen many of them now at another ThisVid channel called RbrCanuck. The screenshots below are from my personal collection that I saved, but you can see from the thumbnails, they have a very distinct spiral and text style.

There a number of hypno vids, most averaging about 15-20 minutes with titles like “Foot slave hypno”, “Submission is pleasure hynpo”, and his longest vid (that I’m aware of) at 47 minutes, “Edging hypno for faggots”. All seem to encompass a variety of slave topics, which is both a blessing (nice to have all around submission) and a curse (a bit distracting if you wanted to focus on one aspect). He has a variety of topics: man stink/armpits, glory hole, nipple play, “dumb jock”, horny for master, puppies, poppers, worshiping cock, and more.
If you just search, you may find a few around. If you do search for them based on my screenshots, be sure to remove the “z” in the front of each name… that was just so they’d automatically be sorted to the end alphabetically on my computer, haha. But aside from the extra “z”, those were the original names of the files, so it could be worth searching for. To me, they were pretty dang hot, and I’ve gotten off them a number of time, even though I don’t really consider myself much of a hypno guy. So give them a try if you run into any of them! As you can see, I’ve had a few slaves watch a few during a scene, including some “reprogramming” of Superman (you can see more here).

In the last two pics, I had Freezeman tied to a bondage board… anal hook tied to a nose hook, his collar tied to his balls, forced to watch the “Submit faggot” video. You can see more from that scene here.