I love seeing subs humiliated, and drool on their body is super hot to me. So this pic of him drooling is very sexy to me. You can see how much he drooled (and pre-cummed!) on the bondage board! In fact, it got messy enough that I had him lick it all back up and rubbed his face into it (the fourth pic, where you can see it’s been smeared). He later told me that was one of his favorite parts of the scene.
I also then tried a new position of my bondage board, and we both later agreed it worked out very well, with the board leaned at a 90 degree again and him sitting against it, putting his mouth right at level with my crotch… which lead to a lot of great teasing when I stood in front of him.
Finally, in the last pic, you can see I wrote on him. There’s a story behind that… but you’ll have to hear about it next week.