To me, these are the best and highest quality stores. I’ve personally shopped at all of them. In the interest of fairness, I’ll tell you about some of my own personal experiences, both pros and cons, and what I like to get (and have purchased!) from each of these sites:
Mr. S-Leather
The classic. Great selection, great quality, and great customer service. I visited the store in Los Angeles a lot while it was still here (sadly, it closed down sometime ago). I don’t get up to the mother store in San Fransisco often, but it’s a treat when I do. It’s more than a store, it’s a community. The only downside to them: expense. But you do have to pay for quality, I say, and it’s never disappointed. The one time I did have a problem with something breaking, I sent it back and they fixed it with no charge to me… even though almost a year had gone by from the original purchase date! Items I’ve bought from them… almost too numerous to list, but a few: Neoprene Sleepsack (love it), Bishop Head Harness (love that, too), Leather Plug Gag, Bondage Sleeves, Rubber coated clothes pins… heck, we even bought our Dungeon Bed (which they no longer carry, but you can get it directly from the manufacturer at Dungeon Bed) from there, a nearly $2000 investment. We wouldn’t spend it if we didn’t believe in them. And they’ve just started carrying Sk8rboysocks!
Fort Troff
Amazing selection of jack off toys and lube. I can’t enough of those Tenga masturbators. Way better than that Fleshjack, IMO, and much easier to clean. I also love J-lube, and you may have seen my recent post about Str8 Cam Cum Lube, which looks like *ahem* cum. And is very affordable to boot. I got my gasmask from there, as well as various Tengas and lubes. You can also find some unique items, and occasionally better prices. More for toys than bondage (although they have that too). Also increasing their gear lines, which looks very promising so far, especially the Neoprene.
The Stockroom
It seems like not too many people know, but this great store has a retail location in Los Angeles. I’ve been a number of times. It was featured in an episode in season one of American Horror Story (as the shop Zachary Quinto purchased his rubber catsuit). The store has a touch of class, elegance, and sophistication to it, yet doesn’t seem pretentious. It has equipment for both sexes, but is very supportive of it’s gay clientele, to the degree of giving us our own version of their site. The selection may not be quite as varied as Mr. S, but again, the quality is very good, and you can find a few unique items. Look especially under Sensation Play. How about the most unique ball gag you’ve ever seen? Although this very devious ball gag is a very close second. The most indispensable thing we’ve bought there has been their PVC Play Sheets. It’s a great way to keep any messes contained, and it’s super easy to clean. In fact, we start more of our sex by now saying, “Get the sheet”.
eXtreme Restraints
This is a fairly standard bondage store, and they do have their fair share of women on the site, but don’t let that bother you. A bit more economical than Mr. S., but the quality is still very good. Not quite as good as Mr. S., but based on the items I’ve purchased from them so far, pretty close. Definitely a step up from the standard adult store “novelty” restraints. I actually got my wrist and ankle restraints from there, and they’ve been great, especially for the price, and held up through many years of use. Also some good gags and other toys. It’s really rather standard stuff for the most part (although there are a few intriguing items that may surprise you here and there), but I like the quality, and it’s way better for my budget. I think it’d be a great place for someone new to start shopping, or a more equipped person to get alternate or travel gear at better prices.
Lock the Cock
I’m not affiliated with them, but I have found the best prices and selection from this site. I will confess I’m not sure if they’re authentic items or knockoffs, but even if they are knockoffs, they’re good knockoffs. I’ve ordered from them three times (because I wanted to try a variety of products), and they’ve all been working great! Not sure if this is a typical issue, but I’ve had keys/locks be stubborn at first, but they broke in just fine and I haven’t had any issues since. A great place I’d visit to try out chastity without breaking the bank.
Superhero Lycra
A lot of people ask where I get my lycra Superhero costumes. I’m not going to lie, I typically order them on eBay or Milanoo from Chinese vendors. The prices are good, as is the quality, and they are very good about customizing outfits. Just visit eBay and enter “lycra”, “zentai”, or “spandex” into their search engine, and the hero you’re looking for. You’ll find a host of options. While the prices are generally good, do be aware that the international shipping could be quite a bit extra… so don’t forgot to account for that when budgeting. Some including the shipping in their price, and some don’t. Read carefully in that respect.
But if you want to buy American, try Spandexman. Good selection, and while the prices look higher, shipping isn’t as bad either.
Update: Mr. S now carries Sk8rboy socks in the USA! I’m partial to the “Sniff Me” socks myself, but they have a variety to select from.